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Last comments - Albert
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/13/06 at 11:49enrique latorre: O.K. no soy informatico pero hago mis pinitos y la...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/13/06 at 09:18albert: Enrique en mi ordenador ahora funciona bien. E...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/13/06 at 09:02enrique latorre: Albert, perdona pero sigue igual, también me pasa ...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/13/06 at 08:52albert: Mamen,,, ya deberian estar bien las fotos del a...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/13/06 at 06:57Mamen Diez-Astrain: Albert, aprovecho tu comentario...hoy he comprobad...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/13/06 at 05:23albert: Enrique..... prueba ahora debería verse y funcio...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/12/06 at 10:38enrique latorre: Para Albert: Por ejemplo, nuevo album de Vicente, ...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/12/06 at 04:35albert: para enrique..... por favor, dame un ejemp...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/12/06 at 03:27Manoli Orovitg: KEKA y DONDE esta tu album? yo solo he visto una f...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/11/06 at 23:45Maribel Latorre Momparler: Quique habla con Jorje si aun tienes alguna dificu...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/11/06 at 17:34enrique latorre: Albert hay algunas fotografias que cuando intento ...
REGISTRO -- REGISTER522 viewsUna vez registrados, recordar que teneis que confirmar vuestro registro con el enlace del correo que os enviará la GALERIA------Once registered, to remember that you have to confirm your registration with the connection of the mail that she will send you the GALLERYalbert09/09/06 at 14:14albert: para Cocorota----- Ya tienes tu usuario activ...
298 files on 25 page(s) 3